Wind Turbines Proposed Poor Mountain/Bent Mountain Area

This is an argumentative research essay in which the issue selected is wind turbines' proposed poor mountain/bent mountain area. Invenergy, a privately held company in United Sates, proposed to build some electricity generating wind-turbines on top of the Poor Mountain. This Poor Mountain is situated in Roanoke County. According to the company officials, this project will set a bench-mark for other companies as it will result in building more than fifteen turbines. The land area held for this purpose would be about 2000 acres and it will fulfill the electricity need of more than 8000 households in Roanoke County.

Background or History of the Issue

The issue of building turbines on the Poor Mountains in Roanoke County was proposed by a private company named Invenergy. The logic behind proposing the building of wind turbines is to provide excess electricity to Roanoke County on...
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