Personality Test Analysis
My scores on the "Big Five" model personality test are Openness: 96%; Conscientiousness: 86%; Extraversion: 27%; Agreeableness: 69% and Neuroticism: 37%. (John, 2009) On the Jung Typology test, my type is INFJ: Introverted: 89%; Intuitive: 75%; Feeling: 25%; Judging: 44%. (Humanmetrics) This was very similar to the Keirsey Temperament Test, which also classifies me as an INFJ, also known as the "Counselor." (Butt, 2010)
According to the analyses that accompany the Keirsey and Jung tests online, I am highly introverted, preferring the company of a few close friends to a group of people; I am a champion of the downtrodden with a humanitarian streak, and also possess a knack for languages. I have very clear perception and, for better or worse, readily grasp other people's underlying motives. My thinking is directed inward, which can be perceived by others as being cold and distant; at times I may...
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