Anxiety Disorders
Diagnosis of anxiety disorders
Differential diagnosis
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Ethical issues in Psychopharamacology
In this paper, we present an elaborate analysis of anxiety disorders involving symptoms, diagnosis as well as the differential diagnosis. The aim of this paper is however to discuss the Psychopharamacological of anxiety disorder with specific discussion of the medication for every case. The ethical considerations on Psychopharamacological are also presented.
Anxiety disorders are noted by Oakley-Browne (1991) as some of the most common as well as disabling disorders which affects both adult and adolescents alike. An Epidemiological Catchment Area (RCA) study indicated that about a quarter of individuals will experience disability severe symptoms as well as handicap as a result of anxiety disorders at a certain instance of their lives. The anxiety disorders are generally associated with a significant level of morbidity (Markowitz et al., 1989) as well as an increase level...
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