Dependent Variable 1:
Strength of Expressed Opinions on Questionnaire.
Independent Variable 2: Exposure to Indirect Intervention. Dependent Variable 2:
Strength of Expressed Opinions on Questionnaire.
Direct Intervention -- Test subjects will be exposed to conversation at the dinner table directed to them and including them on three separate occasions one week apart about the importance of consuming alcohol responsibly and about the dangerous consequences of drinking irresponsibly.
Indirect Intervention -- Test subjects will be exposed to modeled behavior of adults expressing concern over matters such as designating a non-drinking driver and avoiding excessive intoxication without any conversation about them or directed to them three separate occasions one week apart.
There will be a control condition in the post-test version of the experimental design. Specifically, the responses of test subjects will be compared to a comparable control group that is not exposed to the specified intervention.
Manipulation Check
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