46). The postmodern world then focused on hermeneutics. A post-critical evangelical theological methodology seeks to grab hold of the best insights of all three approaches and uses them as a basis of conversation with contemporary theology (p. 30).
In Moltmann's concept of the Trinitarian Concept of God, he maintains that the trinitarian persons are not "modes of being" but are individual, non-interchangeable and subjects of the one common, divine substance, with consciousness and will. Each of the persons of the trinity possesses the divine nature and can stand alone by themselves alone even though they have a trinary coalescent existence (p.53). This can be problematic for extremists who have problems with the limitations of human language with regard to conceptions about God and find it patriarchal such as Sandra J. Schneiders at the Jesuit School of Theology who claim that it justifies socially and economically-based systems that oppress women and...
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