4. Murder and Execution:
DD -- The Young Man pleads to the blood thirsty crowd: "If you hang me to this lantern, will that make you see any clearer?" The demands of the crowd for more blood are thus momentarily stifled by the good sense of their next victim: he points out the erroneous rationale that leads them to murder and execution: it is no way to reach an ideal.
AG -- Cassandra the seer has a vision of the murder about to take place: "Home cursed of God! Bear witness unto me, Ye visioned woes within -- The blood-stained hands of them that smite their kin…!" Clytemnestra has determined to murder Agamemnon -- it is her revenge; and Cassandra sees it as a curse about to be carried out.
EL -- "O my father Agamemnon! In Hades art thou laid, butchered by thy wife and Aegisthus…" Thus wails Electra,...
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