Public Health
The rate of Caesarian sections has skyrocketed in recent decades in the United States, placing it far ahead of other industrialized nations.
Historical overview of C-section rates in the U.S.
Breakdown of C-section rates by race and access to insurance
Why is this a public health issue?
Higher morbidity and mortality rate for C-sections.
Poor and minority women (and their families) affected at greater rates.
One of the costs driving up healthcare in the United States.
Medical and behavioral issues.
Does the medical establishment benefit from increased C-sections?
What behaviors on the part of physicians and other medical professionals push up C-section rates?
How do fears of malpractice lawsuits weigh in this issue?
What behaviors on the part of patients push up C-section rates?
How does obesity factor in to C-section rates?
How does pregnancy education affect C-section rates?
How does prenatal care affect C-section rates?
What is...
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