An abstinence rate of 92% was reported among students who were not sexually active at the beginning of another program called 'Loving Well'-a literature-based program.
Similarly Elayne Bennett, a faculty member of the Georgetown University Development Center, developed another abstinence program in 1987. This was called Best Friends and it focused on character building of young girls in public schools. Girls would enroll in this program during 6th grade and continue till they graduated. In an independent evaluation of the program in 1995, participants in the program were compared with their classmates who had not participated in the program. The results were highly encouraging. Compared to 26% of the girls who had not participated in the program and became pregnant, only 1% of the participants had conceived. As for sexual activity, 63% of the non-participants were engaged compared to only 5% of Best Friends participants (Charen, 1998).
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