Many of the advances of science in the area of technology are at best quite fearsome for human beings until they become accustomed with these functions and applications. One can only imagine how strange the creation and development of all of this must have been ten, or twenty years ago and even more so in the earlier 1900's as all of this began to fall into place in the multidisciplinary study setting. What must be understood in attempting to gain comprehension of the dystopian views are that these views balance the utopian views of life in that while there are extremist views of each, that each of these tend to soften or minimize the other and as well provide some cognitive form of what is in between these two extremes in the real world.
Rheingold, Howard (1999) Tools For Thought - 1999 Chapter Five: Ex-prdiga.DYSTOPIANO THOUGHT - CYBERNETICSHoward Rheingold...
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