However, the Mont Saint Michel monastery also exhibited many of the pre-Romanesque characteristics that were seen in the other grand Benedictine structures, such as the one in de Volpaino's native Italy (Adams 125). Before the grand cathedral and monastery could be realized, the Notre Dame sous-Terre was its predecessor. Among its pre-Romanesque features include a polygonal dome structure forming a central core as well as decorations or spoils that were copied from Roman structures.
Like many orders, the Benedictine monks had strong hierarchies, and these were reinforced in the construction of the new monastery. The Benedictine abbey therefore incorporated Romanesque elements, such as multistory entrances to reflect the differing social status of the monks and pilgrims. The Romanesque elements of the Benedictine Abbey were also seen in the dome structure. Unlike the pre-Romanesque domes, the Romanesque vaults utilized masonry vaulting, to replace the flammable wooden structures of previous churches. Barrel...
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