There were none with limited English proficiency; those with Non-Limited English Proficiency ranked 50, there were no free or reduced lunch scores, those at non-poverty scored 57-64, while those at Poverty scored 42-46.
In a graph showing the Stanford Achievement Test 10th Edition results in Reading for the entire system in Russellville City, Alabama, the males rank 48-60 and females rank49-52, the blacks rank at 29-40, the Hispanic at 16-40, and the whites far outstrip either of these at 61-63. Those with limited English proficiency scored 11-32, those with Non-Limited English Proficiency ranked 55-58, those with free lunches scored 41, those with reduced lunch scored 54, those at non-poverty scored 65, while those in Poverty scored 37-43.
In a graph showing the Stanford Achievement Test 10th Edition results in Reading for the Alabama School of Fine Arts, males ranked 88 and females ranked 91 (52), the blacks rank at 85,...
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