In addition to his role as political leader, Yoast leads from a symbolic framework. He had coached the team through fifteen successful seasons and therefore the entire town of Alexandria, the school staff, and the players all respected him as leader even after he was demoted. Yoast's spunky daughter looks up to her dad as a symbolic leader and because of her passionate involvement with the team, she also serves as a symbolic leader in the movie. Yoast symbolizes effective leadership in Remember the Titans, due to his self-sacrificing approach to teamwork, his ability to triumph in the face of adversity, and his visible successes on the gridiron.
Yoast's demotion itself can be viewed from within a structural and symbolic framework too. Because of to the social and political changes taking place in American society and at the administrative level of the school system, Boone replaced Yoast as a token...
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