This also serves as an important catalytic effects for the bonding of mothers to their babies even before they are born. It is also called the "re-assurance scans" and misnamed as "entertainment scans." Some specialists do not recommend 3-D and 4-D ultrasound as manadatory development of the conventional 2-D scans. Although these may play a part in the study of fetal embryology.
There were many researches done on the in-vitro effects of ultrasonic insonation at various intensities, its effects on heating, cavitation and bubbles, as well as the mechanism of action, standardization of intensity measurements and making the different Guidelines on Biological Safety. There were also researches on immuno-suppresive effects, platelet aggregation, cell phagocytosis, DNA damage, fetal weight alterations and increase in sister chromatic exchanges, just to name a few.
There was no definite long-term adverse effects to ultrasound exposed children on new studies in the 1980s and 90s. In...
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