The third exhibit was another highlight from "Mission to the Planets," which was the Cassini-Huygens Probe. This highlight is related to the educational standard 4(e) from the earth sciences unit for grade 8. It states that "students know the appearance, general composition, relative position and size and motion of objects in the solar system, including planets, planetary satellites, comets, and asteroids." This exhibit relates to the standard by revealing how scientists are still discovering new information about planets like Saturn and their moons like Titan within the solar system through unmanned spacecrafts like this one.
Cassini-Huygens is responsible for finding out about Saturn's gravitational and magnetic fields, mapping Titan's surface, and studying Saturn's and its moons' atmospheres and ionospheres among other things. The exhibit conveys the standard by displaying full-scale models of Cassini-Huygens that are covered by insulating blankets; the blankets can be pulled back to reveal the spacecraft underneath....
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