This three-phased approach can prevent many usual emergency situations, reduce the impact of actual disasters and speed return to normal.


2) Disasters such as Hurricane Katrina reinforced miscommunication that occurs when a dedicated incident management system based on the Incident Command System (ICS), is not used throughout the event. Barko (2005) states that National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) recognize that a well-planned and effective emergency response is not completely dependent on the cause, such as natural disasters vs. terrorism, but rather on all-hazards principles of span of control and operational designation of leadership for operations, planning, logistics and finance. A concise, mutual understanding of operational leadership and responsibilities permits integration of different assets to combine in a seamless response package that can save lives, protect property and mitigate additional damage. Implementation steps of a NIMS consist of: Incorporate NIMS into existing training programs and exercises; Ensure that federal preparedness...
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