" If the liver encounters more food materials than the body can use at the time, it converts the extra food into fat, which can then be stored in the liver, in the fat cells, and circulate in the blood. The extra circulating cholesterol, especially the LDL's, are a sign that either (1) the person is eating too much, (2) the person is not exercising enough to "burn" the food that he/she eats, or both.
A surplus of LDL's results in a build-up of plaque in the arteries around the body (not just the heart). They can coat the cardiac, peripheral vascular and brain arteries with relatively eccentric plaque, building up over a period of time to create a reduced blood flow.
When the main arteries of the heart are constricted enough, a small thrombus, or blood clot, can clog the remaining opening in the artery and cause the heart...
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