The long-term use of steroids can lead to a change in the cholesterol profile of the individual and lead to heart disease and myocardial infarction. The drug can also lead to increased serum low-density lipoproteins. (Reeseand Exum 239) These aspects also obviously impact absorption, distribution and bodily regulation of nutritional elements.
Other effect that this substance can have on the healthy balance of the body is that it can lead to increased blood volume and hypertension. This is a result of the "... sodium-, potassium-, and water-retaining properties of anabolic steroids" (Reese, and Exum 239). Other negative aspects include Oligospermia to a decrease in the amount of sperm in semen and decreased levels of circulating hormones.
While all of the above impact on the normal body functions and chemical balance, one of the most worrying aspects noted in the literature with regard to the use of anabolic steroids and nutrition...
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