However, in spite of the controversy and the impact of drug testing on these athletes, studies that have been conducted of the athletes' opinions regarding performance-enhancing and recreational drugs, as well as drug testing, are seen to be somewhat rare, and these include studies that examine the psychological effects. Also, studies that have actually been conducted approach the topic of steroid use or other drug use from many different perspectives, with mixed results. As a consequence, there is still very little known regarding these athletes' perceptions of performance-enhancing drug use and the drug testing policies in sports, with even less being known regarding the psychological effects that these athletes experience from the use of performance-enhancing drugs (Kindlundh, Hagekull, Isacson, & Nyberg, 2001).
A large majority of the student-athletes that have been studied and surveyed regarding drug use have been shown to have very negative attitudes toward the use of drugs...
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