Indeed, coevolutionary gaming can also be used to eliminate the risk factors associated with the dynamics of groupthink.
According to Jarvis, groupthink involves the following factors: 1) the illusion of vulnerability; 2) stereotyping outsiders; 3) bounded rationality and tethered assumptions; 4) belief in inherent morality; 5) self-censorship; 6) direct pressure on dissenters; and 7) mindguards. The pressure of group decision-making therefore involves factors that influence the decision-making process according to the collective group consciousness. Stronger members tend to influence weaker members, which result in decisions that may be unsound, or not the best of possible choices.
Coevolutionary gaming provides the opportunity to make multiple decisions with multiple outcomes. This mitigates the problems associated with groupthink. In this way, the gaming process reveals the shortcomings in the groupthink process, and provides the group with more rationally viable decision processes than would be the case in a real-time situation. The luxury here...
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