The purpose of this discussion was to examine the network security measures that are available. The research found that the proper configuration provides the first line of defense as it relates to securing a network.
In addition, firewalls serve an essential role in securing networks against outside intrusions. The research also indicates that anti-virus software, encryption software and biometrics allow organizations to secure networks in a more comprehensive manner. There are also specific strategies and technologies that should be considered if an organization chooses to use a wireless network.
Davis J.P.(2006) Telecommute Safely: Use Internet Technology to Keep Cost Down. Contributors: - author. Journal Title: Journal of Accountancy. Volume: 202. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 2006. Page Number: 39+.
Hoover M. (2005) Network Security: The New Perimeter; Security Threats Can No Longer Be Contained in the DMZ. How Do You Protect Every Resource, and Every User's Traffic, No Matter...
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