The State of Education in Third World Countries
Third World countries, by definition, include the poorest and the most underdeveloped. Most of them, therefore, are severely lacking in most development indicators including education and literacy levels. So even though, it is now universally recognized that education is the most cost-effective factor in improving the quality of life, both at the individual and at the collective level, millions of people in poor, third world countries still do not have access to even basic, primary education.
The Education for All (EFA) Initiative: Realizing the need for a comprehensive international program to help achieve the goals of extending the benefits of education "to every citizen in every society" the international community made an important commitment called Education for All (EFA) in Jomtien, Thailand in 1990. In response to slow progress over the decade, the commitment was reaffirmed in Dakar, Senegal in April...
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