According to one recent study there is little for the employees to fear concerning outsourcing.
The results show that although service outsourcing has been steadily increasing it is still very low, and that in the United States and many other industrial countries 'insourcing' of services is greater than outsourcing" (Amiti, 2005, p. 308). The core team concept helps to emphasize the fact that many companies are outsourcing by insourcing, and therefore alleviates the fears of the employees.
Additionally it must be kept in mind that outsourcing can be a big boon to the company's bottom line. "A recent article portrayed this situation well, stating, "it is apparent the millions of Indian and Chinese engineers, software developers and service providers can do all this 'sophisticated stuff' as well as or better than the Americans at a tenth of the cost" (Prestowicz, 2004, p. 40). A tenth of the cost can be...
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