Why would alcohol benefit the heart? The Mayo Clinic (http://www.mayoclinic.com) explains that a moderate amount of alcohol helps raise the "good" cholesterol in the body. A moderate amount of alcohol also lowers the blood pressure and "inhibits the formation of blood clots." Also, red wine in particular helps the heart (more than any other type of alcoholic drink), according to the research in the Mayo Clinic. This is interesting because at the time that Allah gave these instructions to Muhammad (through angels), red wine was about the only type of fermented beverage other than beer.
Red wine, according to a Danish study from the year 2000 (the "Copenhagen City Heart Study") that is quoted by the Mayo Clinic, contains "Flavonoids." The flavonoids are actually antioxidants and in red wine the antioxidants are at a higher level than those found in oranges, apples, tea and onions. Also red wine has "nonflavonoids"...
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