A. Although highly competitive, golf does not need to be played competitively and unlike most sports can be played solo.

B. Golf offers a happy medium between working hard at honing one's skills at the sport and being totally relaxed, at ease, and having fun.

C. Golf encourages players to be outside breathing fresh air and walking around rather than sitting cooped up inside supporting a sedentary lifestyle.

D. Golf is a sport anyone can learn and can become a powerful bonding activity for families, friends, and business partners.


Eilersten, Trond. (2006). it's Fun, it's a Challenge, it's Relaxing - it's Golf. Retrieved April 5, 2008 at http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/61014/its_fun_its_a_challenge_its_relaxing.html

Kelley, Brent. (nd). Golf History FAQ: Beginnings of Golf. Retrieved April 5, 2008 at http://golf.about.com/cs/historyofgolf/a/hist_golfbegin.htm

Menante, Ashley. (nd). Golf tips: Relaxing at the first tee. Retrieved April 5, 2008 at http://www.helium.com/items/170083-always-anxiety-first-hearing...
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