They cannot escape their bully because he can now follow them home. This is the new reality (Keith & Martin, pg 224).
In the years since the advent of MySpace there have been several cases of cyber bullying. In one case of the cyber bullying Megan Meier committed suicide as a result of a negative MySpace page, she was only 13 years old. In this particular case Megan was engaging in an online relationship with who she thought was a 16-year-old boy through MySpace. Megan and "Josh" communicated through the internet for several weeks. Initially there communications were good but then these conversations turned nasty and "Josh" finally told Megan that the world would be better off without her (Maag). She hung herself after reading this comment while communicating through MySpace.
About six weeks following Megan's death, it was discovered that Josh did not exists and in fact the persona...
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