" In England, hundreds of fake tank and truck-shaped balloons simulated non-existent tank battalions to Nazi recognizance flights.
As preparations neared combat readiness for Operation Overlord, Allied counterintelligence units even went so far as to float the corpse of a soldier outfitted in a high-ranking uniform and equipped with fabricated plans for an invasion of the Calais, in many way, the most logical invasion point because of its geographical proximity to the English coast (Penrose, 2004). Likewise, American aircraft steadily increased their bombardment of Calais to simulate pre-invasion operations in preparation for the actual landings planned for June 4, 1940. Severe weather required a postponement to June 6th, and even then, the operation was nearly cancelled out of concern for the unfavorable conditions at sea (Commager & Miller, 2002).
Luckily, by 1944, the once-mighty German war fleet had been decimated by the U.S. Navy and Hitler's remaining U-boats had gone...
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