"...the moment captured in the statue is an example of rhythmos, harmony and balance" (Encyclopedia: Discobolos)
The Dying Gaul, sometimes known as the Dying Trumpeter, is a "...ancient Greek statue of a dying warrior lying on the ground supporting himself with one arm. The Romans later made a marble copy of the Greek original." (Dying Gaul) This sculpture is well-known as one of the most poignant classical expression in sculpture of death and dying. "After 50 years of desperate and unceasing battle, victory over the Gauls was commemorated by this gravely realistic depiction of a tragic hero. With classic details revealing the Greeks' admiration for strength and bravery" (Dying Gaul Sculpture) the Greek emphasis on form and the esthetic representation of the human are also clearly evident here.
Studies of Greek and Roman art tend to emphasize similarities as well as differences in this various sculptures and other artworks. What...
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