Moreover, a gradual increase of divorce rate has been found in this period as well.

Lyons, Linda. "Gallup Tuesday Briefing." Kids and Divorce 1.1 (2002):1-3.

Citing the study of Hetherington and Kelly, Lyons provided a more positive outlook on the effects of divorce as she states that the divorce experience can be a source of empowerment for the children. Lyons also looked at teen's perception and attitude towards marriage and divorce.

Mack, Kristin. "Childhood Family Disruptions and Adult Well-Being: The Differential Effects of Divorce and Parental Death." Death Studies 25.1 (2001): 419-443.

This empirical study, which employed psychological theories, examines family disruptions in general. Findings of the study show that adults who have had experienced parental divorcer are more likely to have lower quality of their own parent-child relationship. But they are more confident and have lower levels of depression as compared to those who have experienced parental deaths.

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