They are also increasingly differentiated by features, such as thinness and shakeability. While Apple engaged in both stretching and filling during the growth stage in order to build the market, they now appear more concerned with warding off competitors. The success of the iPod has not only driven revenues directly, but has also had the desired effect of improving computer sales. Mac laptop sales have increased 51% in 2007 and 38% in 2008; desktop sales increased 12% in 2007 and 37% in 2008.
At present, the iPod is unlikely to experience steep decline in the marketplace until it is eclipsed by new technology. The iPhone represents one such threat, but diffusion of that product will be at a slower pace than the iPod experienced, because of much more intense competition from cell phones and PDAs. However, iPods tend to last only a couple of years before consumers seek to upgrade...
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