33% on the 2013s; 27.78% on the 2018s 16.67% on the 2028s and 22.2% on the 2038s.
Using market value the weighted-average cost of debt is 6.798%. The weights are 35.42% on the 2013s; 28.39% on the 2018s; 16.14% on the 2028s and 20.03% on the 2038s. Thus, it does make a difference if book or market value weights are used. In this case, the market value weights skew more towards the short maturities, which have the lowest yields. This gives the weighted-average cost of debt for market value weights a slightly lower figure.
5) by book value, the weight for debt is 30.85% and equity 69.45%. This gives a weighted average cost of capital of:
We (Re) + Wd (Rd) (1 - T) =.6945(9.94) + (.3085)(6.854)(.65) = 8.277%
By market value, the weight for debt is 7.345% and the weight for equity is 92.645%. This gives a weighted average...
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