Capital (% of GNI per capita)

Source: The World Bank (2009)

The following table shows the procedures time and costs involved in construction of a warehouse, obtaining the licenses and permits necessary and completion of the required notifications and inspections as well as obtaining utility connections.

Procedures and Costs Involved in Warehouse Construction





Procedures (number)

Duration (days)

Cost (% of income per capita)

Source: The World Bank (2009)

Peru is stated to rank 149 among other countries in the 2009 ranking for 'Employing Workers' and rates 151 among other countries in the 2008 ranking for 'Employing Workers'. This shows a two spot advance for Peru in this category. Stated to be the difficulties employers face in hiring and firing workers are stated to be those shown in the following table. The index value assigned is between 0 and 100 with higher values in representation of regulations...
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