These quotes also enhance the plays parallelism by balancing not only the sentence structure, but also showing several sides of the issue. Of course, each side is shown in the specific light that Antony sees it in, but in a roundabout way that makes his conclusions the only reasonable ones.
And let me show you him that made the will. Shall I descend? And will you give me leave?"(pg 138) "Here was a caesar! When comes such another?"(pg 146) "Tis good you know not that you are his heirs, for if you should, o, what would come of it"(pg 136)
These quotes also use three different tactics to achieve their end of persuading the commoners over to Antony's side. In the first, Antony asks permission, seemingly showing his humility and putting the focus on Caesar and on the people themselves while really drawing attention and belief to his side. In...
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