Computer programming also allows the student unlimited control of stimulus presentations. Computer-based reinforcers can also immediately follow responses. And computers allow concurrent or "cooperative" use (Goldsmith & LeBlanc).
Virtual Reality
This creates a three-dimensional, computer-generate environment, where people can behave and interact (Goldsmith & LeBlacn 2004). It has been shown effective in treating phobias, burn pain during wound care as adjunct therapy; self-mastery of wheelchair use by children with cerebral palsy; and movement by children recovering traumas and diseases. It can allow the elimination and gradual introduction of distracting stimuli, exaggeration and then gradual return to normal stimuli features and unlimited creation of exemplars to promote generalizations. It is also a safer alternative to skills commonly taught in the natural environment. Virtual reality training, however, is costly, has programming requirements and lacks knowledgeable clinicians and researcher to handle it. Nonetheless, technological advances and evolving lower-cost systems may make virtual reality...
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