Instead of condemning the man, Priest persuades him to teach him his fishing methods and they both go fishing. Becoming fond of Pointdexter, the Judge invites him to work at his house.
The story goes on as the Judge's nephew, Jerome, is presented as he returns from the North where he earned a degree in law. Jerome develops a crush for the next-door neighbor's daughter, Ellie May Gilliespie, and his uncle helps him get to her heart through several clever methods. Jerome's mother does not agree with the Judge's behavior, as she is not willing to accept having her son marrying a girl that has no parents. The Judge later found out that Ellie's father is none other than the local blacksmith, Bob Gillis.
Jerome has no time to spend as he is presented with his first case, where he has to defend Gillis against a man which he stabbed....
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