" He asserts that self-described "experts" and the media have disenfranchised parents with pseudoscientific principles and contradictory advice. By exposing those myths and paradoxes, Furedi seeks to re-empower parents with his global perspective to parenting.

Gill, T. (2007). "No Fear: Growing Up in a Risk Averse Society." Calouste Gulbenkian

Foundation. Cited in:


In the modern world, states Gill, opportunities for children are being drastically constrained due to a fear for their safety. Parents are afraid of parks, playgrounds, malls -- of people, events, the natural world -- and often end up over protecting their children to the detriment of their psychological health. Instead, Gill argues that the concern about safety does not reflect the real situation, just the media hype, and offers suggestions to help parents cope better with a balanced approach.

Rodriguez, M., et.al. (2009). "Parenting Styles in a Cultural Context." Family Process. 48

(2): 195+.

Different subcultures...
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