2. A functional syncytium a single, enormous muscle cell.
3. The fascia adherens component.
4. The aorta has a tunica media dominated by elastic tissue. The elasticity conferred by elastin allows these elastic arteries to smooth out the sharp changes in blood pressure resulting from the pumping heart.
5. An artery would have a larger lumen than its corresponding vein. With such relatively thin walls, veins tend to appear flattened or collapsed in contrast to arteries, which tend to appear more round.
6. The tunica media and tunica adventitia would not be presents in a capillary for the reason that
Respiratory Tissue Review
1. Respiratory Epithelium contains serous and mucous glands, these reflect the functions of the nasal mucosa, to warm and humidify the incoming air.
2. Gas exchange occur in bronchi since it occurs in the capillaries which are found in the alveoli sacs
3. The primary functional unit...
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