Placebo Drugs
One of the most important factors involved in medical trials is probably ethics. Concerns like participant autonomy and informed consent are among the top priorities of the research clinician. This is why the use of placebos in clinical trials produces some murky waters, particularly with issues like the current Ebola crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa. While it is definitely acceptable to use a placebo in some cases, other cases produce crises of a dire enough sort to make the use of placebos unethical and potentially life-threatening.
The big debate around the Ebola trials focus on the ethics of using a placebo-medicated control group in trials that investigate medications that could save the lives of many. Indeed, one of the factors of such trials is comparing the mortality rate between the groups (Perrone). Surely an ethical boundary is being crossed here, since no Ebola sufferer would agree to a trial...
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