Person-centered therapeutic advocates would say that the therapist can work swiftly, if that is the client's desire. But if the client is less than 100% committed to working through his or her issues the needed duration of the therapy can vastly exceed the time and money of the client. Still, person-centered therapists would point out that unlike psychoanalysis, the focus of the therapy is about 'being in the moment' and present-day concerns, rather than upon long-ago excavation of the past.
Gestalt therapy is a form of holistic therapy that focuses self-empowerment and self-actualization, which could be called the 'parent' of person-centered therapy. It requires an even more intensive relationship between therapist and client, and is far more structured and directed in its approach. "The goal of Gestalt therapy is to raise clients' awareness regarding how they function in their environment" (Gestalt therapy, 2008, Encyclopedia of mental disorders). But like person-centered...
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