d., p.3).
The author holds the position that no one tradition is best-suited in maximizing and advancing Australia's national interests in the international platform not just because all three traditions have their innate strengths but more so because these very same traditions have their innate weaknesses which make us believe that following only one line of foreign policy tradition is all but worry-free.
The Evatt tradition has a widely-known pitfall. It is quite popular in the anti-capitalist discourse that international foreign organizations mainly serve the interests of the Western powerful nations, and Conteh-Morgan (n.d., par. 12) notes, 'Key international institutions (the IMF, World Bank, or WTO), a reflection of international law, are the glue for safeguarding the global politico-economic structure that ensures the dominance of the advanced industrial states (powerful Western states)'. As such, the author of this paper argues that allying with supranational institutions just so Australia can strengthen...
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