However, he makes it equally clear that he feels no obligation to help Agamemnon's men.
Achilles' responses to all three ambassadors make it clear that he feels that Agamemnon has not treated him fairly or with respect. He feels like he has repeatedly put his life at risk and accomplished much as a warrior, only to be spurned by Agamemnon. Moreover, Achilles countered the arguments made by the ambassadors that his quarrel with Agamemnon was silly, since it was over a woman, with his counterargument that the entire Trojan War was over a woman. What is most remarkable is that the ambassadors and Agamemnon continue to refuse to see any merit in Achilles' responses. In fact, Diomed chastises Agamemnon for ever sending ambassadors to Achilles, saying, "you ought not to have sued the son of Peleus nor offered him gifts. He is proud enough as it is, and you have...
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