coevolutionary gaming facilitate group decision making?
Coevolutionary gaming can help to facilitate group decision-making through its highly demanding and highly complex processes. As Cares and Miskel explain, this type of gaming can help one to navigate complex strategy landscapes in safe environments that feel like real-time, but which actually allow one the luxury of making mistakes and engaging in bolder forms of trial error (2007). These games are even played now at the highest levels of defense within the U.S. Department of Defense, with as many as four teams involved in highly competitive, intricate and strategic moves and counter-moves (Cares & Miskel, 2007). These games are multi-day affairs which force all the players to stay focused and to make plans for short-term objectives and long-term objectives: five moves and responses thus push the team on a faux multi-year trajectory that isn't directly controlled by either team and where it's actually...
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