Biodiversity in Lake Baikal
We are in a world where there is a continuous exploitation of natural resources and very little care about the environmental consequences. Rapid industrialization has created havoc to the delicately balanced ecosystems. The effect that human population has had on global ecosystem is certainly undeniable and global biodiversity is being seriously challenged. The rapid deforestation of Amazon forest, the irreparable damage that we have done to the coral reefs along the Great Barrier Reef and the Caribbean coasts are examples of man made ecological disasters. Environmentalists world over are alarmed at the pace at which our economic ambitions are driving the ecosystem out of balance. The case of 'Lake Baikal' offers an excellent example of one of the largest and oldest fresh water eco systems which sustains a wide variety of flora and fauna and in particular innumerable endemic species. For millennia Lake Baikal's ecosystem has...
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