Following an investigations there were findings that certain violations were evident and specifically those relating to failure to protect confined juveniles from harm; failure to address incidences of youth violence due to inadequate supervision; failure to protect juveniles confined from participation in sexual activity; and excessive use of physical force, among other serious violations all clearly in violation of professional standards and conduct.
The interview in this work in combination with the literature reviewed highlight the importance of the role of the individual or agency responsible for ensuring that professional standards of conduct are met among those who work with the Juvenile Justice Affairs in a given county in any U.S. state.
Letter to Honorable Mitch Daniels, Governor, State of Indiana (2005) Investigation of the Correctional facility, Indiana. Online available at:
Richie, Brooke (2009) Department of Justice Finds Serious Constitutional Violations at State Juvenile Facilities. Examiner. 20...
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