body and the function of Homeostasis
Define the process of homeostasis, then list and explain five homeostatic functions that our bodies perform.
According to Steve Nakoneshny, who quotes a definition from Thibodeau & Patton, homeostasis can be defined as "the relative constancy of the normal body's internal environment."
However, this definition is somewhat incomplete and we should mention the fact that homeostasis, even if generally used when referring to the human body, can also be applied to nature. In this case, it is referred to as ecological homeostasis. Second of all, we should reassert the fact that homeostasis is a condition and not a process, even if it is generally associated with the action.
In order to briefly explain the definition, we should remember the fact that, as any system, the human body has certain parameters between which it functions best. The moment any of these are surpassed, the body...
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