The student should also develop a checklist and a timeline. This is akin to the process a chef would use to run a kitchen -- planning, prepping, cooking and serving a banquet for example is a similar process.
One program that directly offers an internship is the culinary arts program at Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland (De Sanctis, 2006). This school offers a 10-week internship course on Italian culture and cuisine. There are other programs as well, suitable for students at other culinary institutes. A Minneapolis-based company called World Endeavors runs a culinary internship in Florence that is suitable not only for Italian-speakers but can be taken by non-speakers as well (World Endeavors, n.d.). Also in Florence, the APICIUS Culinary Institute offers internships around Italy, which offers a different route. An American studying cuisine in Italy can then take internships to other parts of Italy, for a total Italian...
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