Symbolism in Poetry
Symbols are referents which many people use in order to: (1) describe abstract feelings and concepts into concrete ones, (2) reveal ideas or truths through the use of symbols, (3) used to evoke feelings or ideas through the use of symbolic meanings or simply by (4) representation. Symbolism are used in almost every aspect of people's lives, such as the use of symbols in mathematics, science, anthropology, and other studies relevant to the study of human life. More importantly, the most difficult forms of symbolism are perhaps found in literature, wherein symbols are not bound by a set of rules just like in the study of sciences. Instead, symbols in literature are subjective, and can be interpreted into various meanings.
The concept of symbolism will be discussed in analyzing three popular and well-known symbolist poems: "Correspondences" and "To The Reader" by Charles Baudelaire and "My Familiar...
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