Magical Realism in Juan Rulfo's 'Pedro Paramo' and Gabriel Garc'a-Marquez's 'Death Constant Beyond Love'
The use of Magical Realism, as a technique, in Pedro Paramo and Death Constant Beyond Love, is essentially one whereby elements of the unreal are inextricably woven into real life to question the difference, if any, between illusion and reality. The use of the technique is apparent in the overall story as well as in the way the principal protagonists are shown dealing with life.
In Pedro Paramo, Juan Rulfo leads the reader (and the narrator, Juan) into confronting many of life's basic issues such as death, love, religion and sex through the story of Juan's search for his lost father. However, both the narrator and the reader are also led into an illusionary world since the entire story of the life and times of Pedro Paramo is revealed to Juan through the voices and memories...
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