Reference: de Mesa, Alycia. "Bad Behavior: Losing in Sports Sponsorship." Brand Channel. Retrieved Mar 25, 2010 from
3. Advertising and promotions
Sports is like any other business advertising and promotions are crucial to its success. Teams should use a variety of advertising venues and methods. Those methods range from new media (team and league Web sites); traditional media (newspaper, magazine, and television advertisements); and creative media (public art, celebrity endorsements). Promoting sports is a full-time job, requiring general expertise in marketing.
Reference: Shimp, Terence a. Advertising Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. 8th Edition. Cengage Publishing.
4. Public relations
Sports scandals can break careers and sully team spirit. On the other hand, skillful public relations can spell long-term success for sports organizations. A sports organization that hires a skillful public relations manager can count on a solid relationship with the media, which in turn leads to greater...
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