Even Brutus, who feared absolute power, became corrupt. The play explores different types of power, both the type that Caesar had bestowed upon him but also military power and power gained from making political connections demonstrated by Antony and Octavius. All types of power can be potentially abused.
2. Compare and contrast-Portia and Calpurnia
The main difference between Calpurnia's role and Portia's is that the latter helps plot against Caesar while the former was his loving wife. However, both women ultimately care about the best type of government for Rome and are dismayed by the way power has corrupted the men around them.
3. Conspirators right to kill Caesar?
The conspirators had good intentions in their scheme, as they hoped for a Rome built on Republican ideals and not on monarchic power. However, they were absolutely wrong to use murder as a method.
4. Role of superstition in the play...
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