Ambassadors," by Henry James. "The Ambassadors" first appeared in 1903, as a serial in "The North American Review." It appeared in book form a year later.
Lambert Strether is an "ambassador" from Puritanical Woollett, Massachusetts, who travels to Paris to learn of the relationship between young Chad Newsome and an unknown woman. Chad's mother, Mrs. Newsome, has commissioned him to find out more about her son in the wild Paris scene. Mrs. Newsome represents the highly strict mores of New England, and Chad, the new freedom of Paris.
Mrs. Newsome wants her son to come home, to take over his business opportunities and find a respectable marriage: indeed, "in triumph as a kind of wedding present to mother." Here begin mixed motives, for Mrs. Newsome has indicated that she will express her gratitude by marrying Strether if he succeeds. There will be financial stability for all...
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